Anything innotive, or creative that I find, I will post in here.
Published on October 11, 2003 By laws2kuk1 In Skinning
please can someone tell me how to skin sysmetrix??? a tutorial on a website or something like that... please
on Oct 11, 2003

#1 by Citizen Stumpy - 10/11/2003 11:18:12 AM
A simple skin consists of a main background and maybe a couple of buttons (For Email and Temperature possibly) the positions of various displays are done through the config dialog, I hope this helps

Join the Stardock chat and give your email address privately and I send a simple skin you can play with.

I moved Stumpy's reply here.... there's no need to start the same thread on 2 boards, and this is the right place for it. 

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on Oct 11, 2003
Simple answer: Read the manual that comes with the prog.
on Oct 11, 2003
the program you download from the internet... you cannot buy it......... it doesnt have a manual on how to skin it.
on Oct 11, 2003
Yes it does.
The helpfile explains all the elements, and how to begin creating a skin, plus the naming conventions for the appropriate graphic images.
on Oct 11, 2003

Actually, there's quite a lot of skinning info in the Help files.  There is no 'tutorial' for skinning SysMetrix..... you have to figure it out the same way everyone one else does, by examining and tweaking existing skins.

Ask specific questions, and we can help you... 

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on Oct 11, 2003
you have to figure it out the same way everyone one else does, by examining and tweaking existing skins.

....ain't that the truth

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